• 2017/2018 Band Leadership

    “Thank you all for applying for leadership.  All the interviews were outstanding.  Looking forward to a great year next year, whether you received a leadership job or not.” Leadership 2017-2018

  • New Parent or Student? Start here …

    To be able to volunteer, you will need to sign up as a dividend with Seminole County Public Schools at: http://www.seminolehsband.org/dividend-registration/ Sign up to receive information by email. This is the way we ask for volunteers, provide updates on events right on the horizon, and keep the band ball rolling. All the information is here: http://www.seminolehsband.org/subscribe-to-emails/ Sign up to receive text notifications from the band directors. All the cool kids are doing it: Remind101: students, parents, for reminder text messages from the directors, send a text message to (386)302-1119 with the message @msnewhous . Remind101 is a free service that allows teachers to send text messages without them needing to…